Mitchell Katz at Ruby Hill (Livermore Valley)
Pleasanton, California
This bottle was a gift to M from his brother, who was traveling in Napa Valley for work. This wine was oaky, very up front, and full flavored, with an okay nose and legs. It tasted a little young. 3 stars out of 5.

Waterman Winery & Vineyards, Inc.
Waterman, Illinois
When chilled in the wine fridge it developed an olive flavor, presumably due to the wine being made with the rind of the watermelon). The olive flavor did go away as the wine warmed up. If left out it still had a smell of olives but tasted like watermelon, yet not overly sweet like watermelon candy. Our advice is to decant it and hope for the best. Disappointing, as we tried this at the winery and enjoyed it much more, possibly due to the wine being freshly bottled. 1 out of 5 stars.

Also from Waterman Winery & Vineyeards
A simple red wine with a slightly sharp, tart front and clean finish. It is a good table wine for any meal. 3 out of 5 stars.